马勒集团2011年业务发展报告 Stuttgart, April 20, 2012—With more than six billion euros, MAHLE reaches a sales record again. :雷 :
马勒公司多年来在高品质工业过滤器开发和生产方面一直走在工业创新解决方案合作伙伴的前列。马勒在流体过滤领域为客户提供性能优异的过滤材料、前瞻的工艺、模块化的过滤器和设备,确保给予液压系统和润滑液*保护,免受污染。 |  | 马勒用于除尘空气和气体的除尘过滤器、设备和系统提高了生产效率和产品防御能力,从而实现更佳的环境保护和工作安全。 |  | 在流体、糊状物或其他类似物质的过滤方面,马勒产品、具备自动净化和处理程序的自动过滤器优化了生产工艺、提高了效率、实现了具有成本效益的不间断运行。 |  | 马勒可按照需求提供机械过滤和分离工艺的具体解决方案,包括去除油污、燃油和机油处理、工业用水处理、废水处理和冷却水处理。 | 90多年来,马勒一直都是众多汽车与发动机零部件制造商中的翘楚,为汽车与发动机行业提供高质量的零部件产品。众多革命性的创新使马勒成功地成为其客户的可靠伙伴。今天,马勒集团为所有的汽车制造商提供门类齐全的高质量内燃机零部件与系统。马勒在超过24个国家拥有100多家工厂。通过约4.9万员工的共同努力,马勒的开发能力、产品质量与发货可靠性都达到了高标准,从而与客户与供应商建立了相互信任的良好伙伴关系。马勒的8个研发中心(斯图加特、北安普顿、底特律(法明顿山、挪维)、东京(桶川、川越)、上海和圣保罗(容迪亚伊))拥有3000多名研发工程师。他们致力于研发行业趋势的理念、产品与系统,以达到客户对兼顾生态与经济可行性的解决方案的要求。 马勒在中国的11家工厂(分布于营口、天津、麻城、南京、广州、重庆、上海等城市)为市场提供种类齐全的汽车相关产品,包括活塞、活塞环、轴瓦、连杆、气门等发动机零部件及空气、液体管理系统等发动机外围设备。马勒还计划继续在中国设立工厂,实现其全部产品的本地化生产。马勒技术投资(中国)有限公司集中了目前马勒在中国所有工厂的研发、销售、人力资源、IT和财务职能,以及专门针对本地市场的产品开发。其技术中心功能包括设计、计算、零部件测试、发动机测试、电子、化学和金相实验室等。 马勒的产品可用于机械、设备制造、化学、食品工业、环境、动力系统、能源技术、船舶维修和现代机械系统。长期积累的丰富经验和对材料及制造技术持之以恒的开发不仅提高了公司的创新能力,还巩固了马勒作为、实用、利落的解决方案合作伙伴的地位。
1. Business development
Sales The 2011 business year developed more positively for MAHLE as a whole than originally anticipated. Annual sales increased by EUR 741.6 million to EUR 6,002.2 million—the highest sales figures in the Company’s history. This corresponds to a growth of 14.1 percent. An achievement that is even more remarkable in light of the fact that MAHLE was hit by two major natural disasters in Asia: the earthquake in Japan on March 11 and the flooding of large areas of Thailand in November/December. Our plants in these countries suffered considerable damage in some cases and were unable to produce on a normal scale for several months. However, our strong competitive position on the international market and our status as a global development partner to the automotive and engine industry allowed us to absorb the sales losses and to grow considerably more quickly than the market as a whole.
In comparison with 2008—the last year before the global financial and economic crisis—the proportion of sales achieved in Europe fell from 54 percent to 50 percent, while the proportion generated in Asia increased from 16 percent to 20 percent. In terms of automotive OE sales, Asia already accounts for more than 25 percent. Profit The unexpectedly strong sales growth presented our production plants with some unanticipated challenges. Cost-intensive special measures were needed, particularly in the first half of the year, in order to keep pace with the level of demand from our customers. The disruptions to production in our eight production plants in Japan and Thailand also had a considerable impact on profit. Market-related increases in material prices likewise impaired profit significantly.
Nevertheless, overall we were able to reach our internal objective of an operating profit margin of > 5 percent. The result from ordinary business activities consequently rose in comparison with the previous year, by exactly EUR 100 million to EUR 351.5 million. Taking into account a much higher tax ratio in comparison with the previous year, the net income for the year amounted to EUR 231.1 million. Headcount As at December 31, 2011, the MAHLE Group had a headcount of 48,818 employees—2.9 percent more than in the previous year. The headcount development by region was as follows: - Europe (+2.7%), including Germany (+0.2%)
- North America (+6.7%)
- South America (-0.7%)
- Asia/Pacific (+4.9%)
We invested EUR 6.2 million in ongoing qualification activities for our employees. After the introduction of the worldwide MAHLE Talent Management System, over 80 percent of our executive positions were covered through internal candidates within the succession planning. Long-term trends From a long-term perspective, compared with 2000, MAHLE has improved its sales by a factor of 2.5 (CAGR = 8.7%), almost doubled the result from ordinary business activities, and increased its headcount by 23,000. 2. Development of the MAHLE Group
Holding in the Behr Group The development of the MAHLE Group in 2011 was heavily characterized by our holding in the Behr Group, which strengthens our market position sustainably and puts us in a position to expand and optimize our product range. This applies to the complete systems environment for modern combustion engines as well as for alternative powertrain technologies and thermal management of the entire vehicle. At the beginning of the year, we increased our participation in the Behr Group to 36.85 percent and have now started making plans to initiate the acquisition of the of the majority share in the course of 2012.
The integration planning is also progressing well. The integration team created specifically for this process is doing a good job—not only in Europe but also in North and South America and Asia. This means that, following the majority acquisition, we will quickly be in a position to implement new structures and processes, acquire joint customer projects, and thus achieve further synergy effects. A large number of projects are currently in the product planning process. In the medium term, the Behr integration will make MAHLE a bigger and more efficient company that counts among the 5 automotive suppliers worldwide and plays a significant role in the global automotive supply industry.
Increased holding in MAHLE Mopisan In line with its strategic commitment to engine components for the aftermarket, MAHLE acquired the remaining shares in the Turkish engine components manufacturer MAHLE Mopisan at the beginning of 2011. In Turkey, MAHLE Mopisan operates two production plants in Izmir and Konya as well as a regional warehouse for the aftermarket in Izmir. Since the acquisition, the companies have operated under the names MAHLE Izmir A.S. and MAHLE Konya A.S.
MAHLE Industry acquires InnoWa Membrane GmbH At the beginning of 2012, the MAHLE Industry business unit acquired InnoWa Membrane GmbH based in Schwaikheim/Germany. The company specializes in the development, application, and manufacture of high-performance filter systems based on membrane technology. The company now trades under the name MAHLE InnoWa GmbH. 3. Outlook for the 2012 business year We anticipate stable business development on a global scale and we assume that, because of our strong competitive position, we will be able to participate in the global trends apparent in worldwide auto production in terms of sales and profit in both 2012 and 2013. The current uncertainties make our global positioning an even more important competitive advantage. Possible declines in demand in individual markets may be absorbed at least partially by other regions. We expect growth impetus to come from the Asia/Pacific and North America regions. In order to further strengthen our competitiveness, we aim to continuously expand our market position in all major automotive markets. For 2012, we therefore anticipate moderate sales growth for the MAHLE Group, despite the production cuts in Europe. We also expect that the restructuring measures, capacity adjustments, and productivity increases effected in recent years will continue to boost the development of the Group’s revenue. MAHLE now holds 36.85 percent of the shares in the Behr Group. The participation agreement of 2010 made provision for a staged increase in the holding. A call option is set to be exercised on July 1, 2012, to give MAHLE a majority holding of > 50 percent and thus allow full consolidation. To further strengthen our leading technological position on the global market, we will significantly expand our research and development centers in Detroit/USA and Shanghai/China in 2012 and more than double our development test bench and laboratory capacities in some locationss. 新闻发布 新版上线——马勒中国全新亮相 马勒中国www.cn.mahle.com经过大刀阔斧的改版之后华丽转身,带来全新的用户体验。除了更现代的视觉感受,各版块的浏览操作也得到了优化。 更多 05.09.2011 2011年年中通气会 马勒集团2011年上半年业务发展报告及展望 更多 19.04.2010 马勒集团2009年业务发展相关新闻 德国斯图加特,2010年4月19日 – 2009年集团销售下降近23个百分点;经过重组,下半年有转好迹象。 更多 09.09.2009 马勒集团2009年上半年业务表现及展望 斯图加特,2009年9月9日 – 继上半年销售下滑30%以后,马勒有望在下半年获得微弱反弹。 更多 05.06.2009 2009上海车展 新闻发布 更多 27.05.2008 博世和马勒计划合作开发和制造废气涡轮增压器 博世和马勒各出资50%成立一家合资公司,主要从事研发、生产和销售废气涡轮增压器。按照计划合资将在2008年四月开始,公司名称为“博世-马勒增压系统”,总部将设在斯图加特。 更多 25.04.2008 2007年马勒集团的业务发展 德国/斯图加特,2008年4月25日 — 马勒持续扩张市场地位 更多 05.06.2007 马勒(MAHLE)收购西门子威迪欧(VDO)汽车的进气模块及空气过滤业务。 斯图加特/德国2007年6月5日——总部位于德国斯图加特的马勒(MAHLE)集团今天宣布,截止2007年6月1日,MAHLE已成功完成了对西门子AG公司威迪欧(SVDO)分部下的进气模块及空气过滤事业部的收购。 更多 17.05.2007 马勒集团2006年业务发展 德国,斯图加特,2007年4月26日——马勒又添增长纪录 更多 17.05.2007 马勒 CamInCam凸轮轴的嵌套 -创新的可变气门正时系统 更多 18.05.2007 新的滤清器技术–由马勒开发 更多 22.04.2007 2007上海车展 新闻稿 更多 17.01.2007 马勒扩张其在中国的气门驱动业务 2007年1月16日,马勒在中国,麻城,盛大召开了其新公司马勒三环气门驱动(湖北)有限公司的开张仪式。 更多 16.11.2006 2006 北京车展 更多 04.10.2006 马勒技术投资(中国)有限公司举行开业典礼 上海,2006年4月19日——马勒技术投资(中国)有限公司(MTC)今天举行了其在上海的中国地区总部暨技术中心开幕庆祝仪式。 更多 气缸零部件——动力总成的核心应用于内燃机的活塞环、活塞销、连杆、气缸套、轴承、衬套等。
马勒在与内燃机相关的方方面面的系统能力是得到*的,其动力单元气缸模块的成功便是明证。组件包括带环和销的活塞、连杆和轴承。如果说到“动力总成”,那还要再加上气缸套。在革新的创造力之上,完整的解决方案是一个额外的优势。 这种全面的理解自然而然延伸到了马勒产品范围中的每个气缸零部件的开发当中,同时也进一步巩固了探花在线观看作为技术者的地位。 核心竞争力——公司zui重要的元素 现今的发动机在气缸零部件方面较以往有着更高的要求:更高的工作温度和压力,在减排的同时应具有更高的速度。所有这些因素就要求采用创新型理念和性能更高的材料,同时也需要能够将系统和整体条件都考虑在内的思维方法。作为优化条件,零部件的协调释放出了尚未被开发出来的潜力。 马勒气缸零部件项目 马勒气缸零部件产品范畴包括活塞环、活塞销、连杆、气缸套、轴承以及衬套等。马勒公司在铸造胀断式连杆(20世纪90年代中期推向市场)的生产中处于市场的地位。探花在线观看工作的重点是不断研究和开发可替代材料和解决方案。依托全面的产品系列和产品开发能力,探花在线观看将进一步巩固在气缸零部件市场中的地位。 不断精进的专业技术 早在上世纪中期,马勒公司已经意识到活塞和气缸零部件匹配的重要性,也意识到由此而带来的诸多优势。这标志着马勒从零部件制造商到系统供应商的成长――通过加强自主开发, 同时有目的地并购专门生产活塞环、气缸套和连杆的公司,提升了自身的能力和竞争力。
马勒公司多年来在高品质工业过滤器开发和生产方面一直走在工业创新解决方案合作伙伴的前列。马勒在流体过滤领域为客户提供性能优异的过滤材料、前瞻的工艺、模块化的过滤器和设备,确保给予液压系统和润滑液*保护,免受污染。 |  | 马勒用于除尘空气和气体的除尘过滤器、设备和系统提高了生产效率和产品防御能力,从而实现更佳的环境保护和工作安全。 |  | 在流体、糊状物或其他类似物质的过滤方面,马勒产品、具备自动净化和处理程序的自动过滤器优化了生产工艺、提高了效率、实现了具有成本效益的不间断运行。 |  | 马勒可按照需求提供机械过滤和分离工艺的具体解决方案,包括去除油污、燃油和机油处理、工业用水处理、废水处理和冷却水处理。 | 马勒的产品可用于机械、设备制造、化学、食品工业、环境、动力系统、能源技术、船舶维修和现代机械系统。长期积累的丰富经验和对材料及制造技术持之以恒的开发不仅提高了公司的创新能力,还巩固了马勒作为、实用、利落的解决方案合作伙伴的地位。  MAHLE马勒客户专刊
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